ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance

Partnering with Pilio empowers your organisation to navigate the ESG landscape confidently. Through data-driven environmental performance, we enhance stakeholder value and collectively contribute to a more sustainable future

What is ESG?

ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance, which are three key factors used to measure the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment in a company or business. ESG criteria are used by investors, asset managers, and financial institutions to evaluate the sustainability and ethical impact of potential investments and make informed decisions about where to allocate capital.

By considering ESG factors, investors aim to support companies that demonstrate responsible and sustainable business practices while also seeking to achieve positive financial returns. ESG investing has become increasingly popular in recent years as investors recognise the importance of environmental and social considerations in addition to financial performance.

Each component of ESG entails:


The environmental aspect of ESG evaluates how a company performs in terms of its impact on the environment. This includes factors such as its carbon footprint, energy efficiency, waste management practices, water usage, pollution, and conservation efforts. Companies with strong environmental performance typically strive to minimise their negative environmental impacts and may invest in renewable energy, implement sustainable practices, and adhere to environmental regulations.


The social aspect of ESG assesses how a company manages its relationships with various stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, communities, and society at large. This encompasses factors such as labour practices, workplace diversity and inclusion, employee health and safety, human rights, community engagement, philanthropy, and product safety. Companies with strong social performance prioritise fair treatment of employees, ethical supply chain practices, and positive contributions. 


The governance aspect of ESG focuses on the systems and structures that guide corporate decision-making and behaviour. This includes factors such as board diversity and independence, executive compensation, shareholder rights, transparency, ethics, risk management, and regulatory compliance. Companies with strong governance practices typically have effective leadership, transparent reporting, and mechanisms in place to ensure accountability and integrity in their operations.

What are the ESG Reporting Frameworks?

The ESG Reporting Frameworks refers to a structured set of guidelines, standards, and principles that organisations use to report on their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance. It provides a systematic approach for companies to disclose relevant information related to sustainability practices, ethical behaviour, and corporate governance to stakeholders, including investors, customers, employees, regulators, and the public.

Several frameworks and standards have been developed to guide the ESG reporting frameworks, each with its own focus areas, reporting requirements, and disclosure formats. These frameworks help companies structure their ESG reporting efforts, improve transparency and accountability, and meet the increasing demand for ESG-related information from stakeholders. They also facilitate benchmarking, comparability, and informed decision-making by investors, consumers, and other stakeholders interested in evaluating a company's sustainability performance.

What is ESG reporting? Some of the most widely recognised ESG reporting frameworks include:

  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

  • Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)

  • Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

  • Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  • Integrated Reporting Framework (IR)

Benefits of ESG Reporting

Adopting an Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy offers numerous benefits for companies:

Competitive Advantage:

- Embracing ESG practices can give a business a competitive edge by aligning with consumer and stakeholder values.
- Companies committed to sustainability, diversity, and ethical governance strengthen their brand reputation.

 Attracting Investors and Talent:

- Investors and lenders are highly attracted to organisations that prioritise ESG reporting and sustainability efforts.
- A strong ESG culture helps attract and retain top talent, especially with younger generations who value purposeful work.

​Improved Financial Performance: 

- Sustainability initiatives like energy efficiency, waste reduction, and resource conservation can reduce operating costs and improve profitability.
- Companies with robust ESG practices tend to have better risk management and long-term resilience.

 Innovation and Growth Opportunities:

- Addressing ESG challenges fosters innovation in products, services, and business models with greater environmental and social impact.
- Aligning with ESG principles opens up new growth opportunities in sustainable markets and with conscious consumers.

 Risk Mitigation:

- Proactively managing ESG risks like climate change, workplace culture, and governance issues helps avoid potential operational, regulatory, and reputational costs.

Pilio can support your business or organisation with aspects of the ESG Reporting Framework, in particular with environmental considerations.

Pilio offers a comprehensive suite of software and services tailored to empower businesses and organisations to reach their ESG goals and objectives effectively. 

How Pilio can support ESG reporting

Measuring energy consumption, enhancing energy efficiency, and monitoring environmental impact can greatly support ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reporting. These practices offer crucial data and insights that showcase a company's dedication to sustainability and ethical business conduct. Here's how these practices can contribute to ESG reporting:

 Environmental (E):

  • Energy Consumption Measurement:  Tracking energy consumption across different operations and facilities helps quantify the company's environmental impact in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and resource usage.

  • Energy Efficiency Monitoring: Assessing energy efficiency metrics, such as energy intensity or energy use per unit of production, demonstrates efforts to optimise resource utilisation and reduce carbon footprint.

  • Environmental Impact Monitoring: Monitoring environmental indicators, such as air and water quality, waste generation, and biodiversity conservation, provides insights into the company's environmental stewardship and compliance with regulatory requirements.

  • Energy and Carbon Reporting: Tracking and reporting energy consumption and carbon emissions provide quantitative data on a company's environmental impact. This includes emissions from direct operations (Scope 1) and indirect emissions from purchased electricity, heating, and cooling (Scope 2). It may also encompass Scope 3 emissions from the supply chain and other sources.

  • Sustainability Strategy: ​A company's sustainability strategy outlines its approach to managing environmental risks and opportunities. This includes goals, targets, and initiatives related to energy efficiency, carbon reduction, renewable energy adoption, waste management, water conservation, biodiversity, and environmental stewardship.

 Social (S):​

  • Employee Health and Safety: Energy efficiency measures and environmental monitoring can contribute to creating safer and healthier working environments for employees, demonstrating the company's commitment to employee well-being.

  • Demonstrating to the Community: Transparent reporting on energy and environmental performance fosters trust and engagement with local communities by demonstrating the company's efforts to minimise environmental impacts and contribute positively to community welfare.

  • Community Engagement: Sustainability strategies often include community engagement initiatives related to environmental conservation, renewable energy projects, and pollution reduction. These efforts demonstrate the company's commitment to supporting local communities and addressing social concerns.

​Governance (G):

  • ​Risk Management: Monitoring energy consumption, energy and carbon reporting and knowing the business’s environmental impact helps identify and mitigate environmental risks, such as regulatory non-compliance, reputational damage, Energy and carbon reporting and supply chain disruptions, enhancing overall governance and risk management practices.

  • Transparency and Accountability:  ESG reporting provides stakeholders with transparent information on the company's environmental performance, goals, and progress.  demonstrating accountability to shareholders, regulators, customers, and other stakeholders.

Pilio is your trusted partner on the ESG journey, specifically focusing on enhancing the environmental aspect of your sustainability initiatives.

How Pilio Energy & Carbon Software supports your ESG Strategy 

Energy Management Software

This software empowers organisations to monitor, analyse, and enhance their energy utilisation. By pinpointing inefficiencies and avenues for enhancement, energy management software equips businesses to reduce their total energy consumption and carbon emissions. It offers real-time tracking of energy usage, pinpointing areas of heightened energy consumption, and recommending efficiency-boosting measures like fine-tuning equipment settings or adopting energy-conserving protocols.

Carbon Footprint Calculation

 Calculating the carbon footprint entails measuring the collective greenhouse gas emissions generated both directly and indirectly by an organization's operations. This encompasses emissions stemming from energy usage, transportation, waste generation, and supply chain activities. By grasping the carbon footprint, organisations can pinpoint the most impactful emission sources and strategically prioritise measures for reduction.

Comprehensive Environmental Data Management

Pilio streamlines the collection, aggregation, and analysis of environmental data, providing a centralised platform where all relevant information is readily accessible. From energy consumption to carbon emissions, waste generation to water usage, Pilio empowers your organisation to gain a holistic understanding of its environmental footprint.

Advanced Analytics for Informed Decision-Making:​

Leveraging advanced analytics capabilities, Pilio enables data-driven decision-making by extracting actionable insights from your environmental data. Whether you're identifying energy efficiency opportunities, assessing emissions hotspots, or evaluating sustainability performance against targets, Pilio equips you with the tools to make informed choices that align with your ESG objectives.

Benchmarking and Performance Tracking:

Pilio facilitates benchmarking against industry standards and best practices, allowing you to gauge your environmental performance relative to peers and competitors. By tracking key performance indicators over time, Pilio helps you monitor progress, identify trends, and drive continuous improvement in environmental stewardship.

Regulatory Compliance and Reporting:

Stay ahead of regulatory requirements and reporting obligations with Pilio's robust compliance management features. Pilio ensures that your organisation remains compliant with environmental regulations and standards, simplifying the process of ESG reporting and enhancing transparency for stakeholders.

Strategic Sustainability Planning:

Pilio supports your organisation in developing and implementing strategic sustainability plans that align with your ESG goals. Whether you're aiming to reduce carbon emissions, improve resource efficiency, or enhance environmental resilience, Pilio provides the insights and tools needed to chart a course toward sustainability leadership.

Pilio services that boost your ESG reporting 

Building energy audits

Identify where your business can make cost-saving energy reduction interventions.

Energy efficiency 

Start with a building energy audit/efficiency audit, followed by monitoring and management.

Carbon auditing

Reporting on Scope 1, 2 and 3 direct and indirect GHG emissions across core business activities.

Carbon reporting

PAS 2060 and ISO 14064 schemes for carbon neutrality and accounting for carbon emissions. 

Scope 3 carbon audit

Assess indirect greenhouse gas emissions to identify opportunities to enhance sustainability efforts.


Requiring UK companies to report on GHG emissions in their Directors' Reports.

Carbon reduction strategy

Expert advice and guidance to reduce emissions through innovative technologies and sustainable practices. 

Capital investment strategy 

A strategic approach to allocating financial resources towards projects and assets to maximise long-term returns and objectives.

Life cycle analysis

Calculate the carbon emissions of a product you sell from manufacturers to eventual disposal. 

Supply chain audit

Enabling your businesses to achieve your net zero ambitions by auditing the Scope 3 emissions in your supply chain.

Policy & action plan

Set in your organisation's environmental policy and action plan.