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Begin with measuring & management
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Pilio Carbon

Carbon Reporting Software

Environmental Reporting with Comprehensive Emissions Footprint Analysis

Pilio's Carbon software comprehensively reports your company's entire emissions footprint, encompassing both direct and indirect sources. This includes emissions stemming from your procurement, energy consumption, transportation activities, waste management, and water usage, ensuring a full understanding of your environmental impact.


Pilio Carbon software offers a competitively priced solution. Its intuitive interface, user-friendly design and versatile reporting capabilities mean carbon management skills are not a prerequisite. 

Monitoring and reporting emission budgets and targets across Scope 1, 2 and 3.

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Scope 1

Direct emissions originate from sources owned or managed by the reporting entity, encompassing emissions from combustion in owned or controlled boilers, furnaces, vehicles, and other equipment.

  • Direct carbon

  • Own fleet

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Scope 2

Indirect energy emissions result from the generation of electricity, heat, or steam consumed by the reporting entity. Emissions take place at the facility responsible for generating the electricity, heat, or steam.

  • Electricity 

  • Heat and steam 

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  • Procurement / Supply chain

Scope 3


  • Waste 

  • Water 

  • Business Travel

  • Staff commute 

Indirect emissions within the value chain, spanning both upstream and downstream activities. This includes emissions linked to the supply chain, transport, energy, waste and water, generated during operations.​


  • Scope 3 emissions often represent the largest portion of a company's overall carbon footprint, on average between 70-90%*, particularly for industries with extensive procurement/supply chains or significant transportation requirements.

  • Reporting and reducing Scope 3 emissions can be challenging due to the complexities of tracking and influencing activities outside of the company's direct control.

  • Addressing Scope 3 emissions is crucial for companies committed to comprehensive climate action and sustainability. It requires collaboration with suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders throughout the value chain to identify opportunities for emissions reduction and efficiency improvements.

Why report indirect emissions?

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Transparency and Accountability:

Reporting indirect emissions demonstrates transparency in the company's environmental impact. It shows stakeholders, including customers, investors, and regulators, that the company is aware of its entire carbon footprint and is taking steps to mitigate it.

Carbon Reporting

Pilio software dashboard with headline results








Scope 1, 2, 3 

Carbon targets




Project / group

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Track progress on Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions over time.

Comparison Icon


Compare emissions between suppliers to inform green procurement decisions.

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See your biggest risks and opportunities to know where to focus effort.

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Customise accounts for unlimited users, from full access to guest permissions.

Targets Icon


Set reduction targets on your journey to reach net carbon zero.

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An automated, flexible way to organise and process data.

Reporting in one place

All your direct energy use, transport and supply chain emissions in one place. Share access or export reports. Keep track of progress and set targets. 

Pilio software dashboard with headline results
Pilio Carbon Logo

Pilio Carbon

Add interpretation, validation and support services


Within SECR (Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting Major) UK organisations are required to disclose their electricity consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in conjunction with their annual financial reports. Pilio Energy software will guide you towards SECR compliance.


Icon depicting 80% software, 20% consultancy
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Carbon audit

Our carbon assessor will undergo an audit on-site and review your data.

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Scope 1, 2 & 3

Our consultant will support your journey for Scope 1, 2 & 3. 

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Carbon reporting

Our consultant can validate data, create a presentation, and provide tailored recommendations.

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Life Cycle Analysis

An LCA will provide insights on how processes can be improved or reconfigured to minimise climate impacts.

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Supply Chain Audit

Get insights into your supply chain's environmental impacts to enhance your sustainability strategy and action plan.

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Training & Support

You and your team can benefit from training and support throughout your net-zero journey.

Pilio software graph depicting top 80% of suppliers carbon impact

Contact Pilio today to track your carbon impacts and reductions 

Pilio Carbon captures key cost and carbon data from your supply chain, empowering you to move towards net zero by implementing green procurement.

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