Building energy audits

Are you unsure of where energy is being used in your building or where to focus efforts to reduce energy costs? An energy audit will help you get these answers. ​

What is a building energy audit?

A report which identifies how to improve opportunities for energy saving in your building. The benefits of an energy audit include:

  • ​Reduced energy costs

  • Business cases for capital projects

  • Prioritisation for building managers

What is involved in a building energy audit?

  • Our energy-saving specialist will visit your building and do a walk-around with the facility manager.

  • We will analyse the energy performance of your building using invoice and meter data.

What will you get from working with Pilio?

A report and presentation to share with key decision-makers.

  • Recommendations for energy management and investments for energy efficiency and renewable technologies.

  • Suggested next steps for saving energy.

  • A license to Pilio's energy-saving tool for ongoing building monitoring and management. 

These audits are compatible with the British standards for energy auditing.

Pilio has performed over 250 building energy audits across a variety of commercial buildings including ACO Technologies, Fabrix, English National Opera, National Theatre, Tullie House, and YMCA.